經驗中文和普通話老師 學歷:國內師範大學學士學位(語言及文學系)、香港中文大學中文普通話教學法高等文憑、國家語委普通話水平測試一級榮譽,資深朗誦評判。學生就讀的傳統學校有:拔萃女小學、嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院、英華小學、聖方濟各英文小學、嘉諾撒聖心小學、蘇浙小學等,國際學校有:弘立書院、蔡繼有學校、京斯敦國際學校、香港國際學校等等,學生們的成績在全年級名列前茅。

School Vision & Mission Po Leung Kuk aims at a quality education for all, advocates an all-round education embracing the academic, moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects「德、智、體、群、美」, and ta

想學日文原汁原味睇日劇?想去日本旅行不求人?學識日文挑戰日本語能力試? 無論有任何理由都好,我都可以教識你哋日文! 日本大學畢業,持有日本語能力試1級(N1)證書,有多年一對一和小班教授日文經驗,深明日本文化。

School Mission 使命 To develop students’ analytical and critical thinking skills and their academic and cognitive abilities To cultivate students’ enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge, p

學之園幼稚園暨雙語幼兒園是因應對 優質雙語 幼兒教育的熱切需求而創立,培育兒童的自信與卓越技能;為他們的學習與成長作好準備。 兒童可透過參加各項課外活動,從遊戲中學習。每項學習活動均根據兒童發展的步伐和需要而設計,並由專業導師帶領,以確保活動的適切。 我們為歲半至七歲兒童提供多種不同的課外活動,茲逐一列舉如下 : 青衣校 童創路 (AV) 創意音樂 (MV) 海逸校 幼稚園準備班 (GRK) 童

The Evangelical School Development Incorporation Limited (ESDI) is the sponsoring body of the School. It was established in August, 1962 by a group of devoted Christians for the sole purpose of spons

嘉禾教育中心 Harvest Learning Centre 地址:鴨利洲僑民大廈 Address:1/Fl., Command Tower, Ap Lei Chau 電話:28733011 傳真:25551325

英文電郵 - 書信 - 生活英文會話 - 面試對答

We are located very conveniently within a few minutes walk of Tai Po Market station and Uptown Plaza at Yat Nga Court. The kindergarten is a well designed purpose built school comprising of eight cla

Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

Major Concerns 2009 -2010 Implementing a school-based NSS academic system. Promoting student-centred learning. Cultivating students’ positive values and nurturing their personal growth. 二零零九 至

以下的教學模式都為本園所採納,並符合以「兒童為本」的原則而推行。 Learning Centers 學習角學習 課室內會因應主題以開放式設計不同的學習角,包括有語文角、識數角、美勞角、康體角、閱讀角、談心角、科學角等。每個角的內容具明確的目標性,提供多元化的物料及深淺不同程度的教具,讓幼兒按自己的興趣和能力選擇不同的學習活動。老師會在適當時候介入學習角內的活動,以分組或個人輔導形式促進幼兒的學習

Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

The College About The College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is a grant-in-aid secondary school in Hong Kong. It was founded on December 16, 1919, by Tsui Yan Sau Peter. It is a Roman Catholic secondary

祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) The long-standing

YuenLongNewly decorated Room for classes hourly/monthly rate (computer equipment provided) 附近元朗廣場、人流不段、交通方便、設施齊備、無需佣金
教學進修 / 課室出租Professional Centre
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